
1:1 Coaching

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30 Minutes of Free Coaching, No Sales Pitch

Thirty minutes in a safe space to talk and think through a challenge, dilemma, or decision
you are struggling with.

During this call, I'll listen closely and ask questions to help you think deeply and creatively in ways you may not have considered before so you can gain new clarity and identify next steps you feel good about. 

Free Coaching Call

 + Make sense (and peace with) what is and isn't satisfying with your current work
+ Clarify your vision for the idea for climate or social impact that's pulling you
+ Determine the best way for you to transition your work to support that impact
+ Work through the fears and self-doubt that comes hand-in-hand with pioneering heart-work
+ Get clear on action steps to feel excited about

What we do in this package might include:

Coaching for entrepreneurs looking to integrate climate or social justice impact meaningfully into their work

Impact Business Coaching Package

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Package designed with your specific needs in mind

Custom Coaching Package

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Not seeing a package that fits what you're looking for exactly, but feel aligned with our values and vibe? I'm open to exploring if we might still be a good fit. This package begins with a free design call, where we'll outline the results you're looking for, assess if we could be a good match, and design a custom coaching package to get you to where you want to go.

"I can't say enough good things about Jeanne's coaching."

"She helped and encouraged me as I am going through quite a significant (for me) change in my life and even though it wasn't her "lane", she was ready to help no matter what. I always get a lot of clarity from our coaching sessions." 


"Jeanne’s one of the few people I know who can get inside my head and help me unravel what I’m stressing about. "

"She’s a calm, logical, and methodical person, but also a deep listener and a confidante in an entrepreneurial world that can normally feel lonely and isolating. When you need a confidante for gaining clarity on work decisions or challenges that are draining your motivation, Jeanne can get you back on track to feeling aligned and excited."


"Jeanne has the gift of knowing the right questions to ask to dig at the deeper issue. "

You know you're in safe and capable hands when you talk to her. She leads with kindness and warmth and I absolutely recommend her as a coach and partner.

Stephanie Moore

"Working with Jeanne feels like an exhale."

"She takes the time to really come into my perspective - to understand where I’m coming from. What I believe, what I want, what I see as being in the way. And then she helps direct me toward seeing things that I hadn’t noticed on my own. But it all feels like it came from me. She’s a world class question-asker and expansive thinker."

Amber Beckett

click to see what they are saying!



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Interested in this workshop?

I share some ideas for what to do when you don’t have enough time or bandwidth to make the impact you want.

It’s not going to be about adding more to your plate.  

It’s not going to be about hacks on how to be more productive.

It’s not going to be tips for an imaginary world where you have no personal or family obligations.
Instead, I’m going to offer my own perspective on the root societal causes of why so many of us feel too overstretched to make the impact on the world we crave. 

I also offer a gentle process I’ve followed, based in anticapitalist practice for gradually adding more space and time to your life to help you play bigger in a sustainable way for you. 

Who it’s for: Folks who are feeling too time-stretched or burned out to fully act on their ideas or desire to address community and world problems.

A workshop sharing a gentle process for adjusting your load and recharging so you have time & energy to fully join the fight

From Overwhelm to Impact


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Sign up to hear about the next time it's offered:

Invite me to run this workshop for your community

Interested in this workshop?

Sometimes it’s clear why you’re feeling burnt out–you’ve worked 60+ hour weeks, you haven’t taken a vacation in ages. Sometimes it’s not–like when you’re working a business that you dreamed of, have ample time for the rest of your life, and still don’t feel motivated to move forward with it. 

This is not a workshop about simply increasing self-care or working less--we are going to pull back the curtain on what to do when “more self-care” advice doesn’t cut it–or even why you find yourself dreading going to work on the business you created that you used to adore. I will share my own stories of battles with burnout within a public school teaching position and different phases of business development (including when I realized it was time to end it and start something new), as well as patterns I notice in clients.

You will leave with a lens with which to evaluate your own work life in order to feel alive and balanced again in your work, now and in the future. 

Who it’s for: Folks who are currently feeling burnt out, OR feel prone to burn out and want to peel back the curtain to get ideas on how to heal from or prevent it within our capitalist system. 


"Why am I burnt out?"

"I walked away feeling clearer that my gut feelings around doing less and moving away from more work and more creating are valid. I would recommend this workshop to anyone who is trying to figure out where to go next with their work and how it can align with their values."

Past Participant of
"Why am I Burnt Out?"

What people are saying about these workshops:

"This workshop was great. A wonderful space, with a wonderful guide. It served as stepping stones to clarity from the fog that existing in the world in the state it is in right now has created in my head. It’s helped me clear me head a bit and begin to see a way forward."

Past Participant of
Overwhelm to Impact

"This workshop made me think differently - more holistically.- about burn out. Lots of food for thought. Jeanne's method and facilitation were both warm and encouraging - thank you!"

Past Participant of
"Why am I Burnt Out?"

"Working with Jeanne feels like an exhale."

"She takes the time to really come into my perspective - to understand where I’m coming from. What I believe, what I want, what I see as being in the way. And then she helps direct me toward seeing things that I hadn’t noticed on my own. But it all feels like it came from me. She’s a world class question-asker and expansive thinker. She is a gift."


"Jeanne’s one of the few people I know who can get inside my head and help me unravel what I’m stressing about. "

"She’s a calm, logical, and methodical person, but also a deep listener and a confidante in an entrepreneurial world that can normally feel lonely and isolating. When you need a confidante for gaining clarity on work decisions or challenges that are draining your motivation, Jeanne can get you back on track to feeling aligned and excited."

"I can't say enough good things about Jeanne's coaching."

"She helped and encouraged me as I am going through quite a significant (for me) change in my life and even though it wasn't her "lane", she was ready to help no matter what. I always get a lot of clarity from our coaching sessions." 

"I feel more confident and clearer and closer to my goals now that I've worked with Jeanne."

"Since working with Jeanne, I have more clarity on what I want to do and what I want my life to look like. I realized that I can do a project or a contract in international development without necessarily changing my whole career. I don't have to "do it all" for me to feel satisfied."


"Jeanne has the gift of knowing the right questions to ask to dig at the deeper issue. "

You know you're in safe and capable hands when you talk to her. She leads with kindness and warmth and I absolutely recommend her as a coach and partner.

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