Coaching for entrepreneurs looking to integrate climate or social impact into their work

Impact Business Coaching Package


I help women like you:

Make sense (and peace with) what is and isn't satisfying with your current work

Clarify your vision for the idea for climate or social impact that's pulling you

Design an income strategy that could support that work

Work through the fears and self-doubt that comes hand-in-hand
with pioneering heart-work

Get clear on action steps to feel excited about

Feel clarity, support, and courage about
beginning work that excites you

Finally feel satisfied, aligned, and at peace
with your direction

Stop wondering if it's possible and
start contributing to solutions in a way that
keeps your energy and your income secure

So that you can:


1 payment of

pay in full


3 payments of

monthly plan


For the moments outside of our sessions that you could use quick, in-the-moment coaching. I can respond within 24 hours on business days.

Up to 3 hours of voice messaging via Voxer

These sessions are a way for you to clarify your vision, put your fears and self-doubt in the passenger seat, and develop a strategy for moving toward it that feels workable. 

6x60-minute 1:1 coaching and strategy sessions via Zoom

Clients routinely say they leave sessions with ways to begin their journey toward new work immediately, and that their action steps to move forward feel easy and exciting.

Clarity and peace of mind about your direction out of misery and into excitement

3- Month Package

What's Included

"Jeanne’s one of the few people I know who can get inside my head and help me unravel what I’m stressing about. "

"She’s a calm, logical, and methodical person, but also a deep listener and a confidante in an entrepreneurial world that can normally feel lonely and isolating. When you need a confidante for gaining clarity on work decisions or challenges that are draining your motivation, Jeanne can get you back on track to feeling aligned and excited."

"I can't say enough good things about Jeanne's coaching."

"She helped and encouraged me as I am going through quite a significant (for me) change in my life and even though it wasn't her "lane", she was ready to help no matter what. I always get a lot of clarity from our coaching sessions." 

"Working with Jeanne feels like an exhale."

"She takes the time to really come into my perspective - to understand where I’m coming from. What I believe, what I want, what I see as being in the way. And then she helps direct me toward seeing things that I hadn’t noticed on my own. But it all feels like it came from me. She’s a world class question-asker and expansive thinker. She is a gift."


"I feel more confident and clearer and closer to my goals now that I've worked with Jeanne."

"Since working with Jeanne, I have more clarity on what I want to do and what I want my life to look like. I realized that I can do a project or a contract in international development without necessarily changing my whole career. I don't have to "do it all" for me to feel satisfied."


"Jeanne has the gift of knowing the right questions to ask to dig at the deeper issue. "

You know you're in safe and capable hands when you talk to her. She leads with kindness and warmth and I absolutely recommend her as a coach and partner.

First half of the consult: We'll talk about what you're looking for and answer any questions you might have.
Second half of the consult: We'll do a mini coaching session on a piece of what you're working through. This is so that you can get a taste of what it might be like working together. 
No sales pitch at the end--this is just for us both to get a taste to see if we might be a good fit. You're free to decide after the consult.

Let's schedule a consult to chat

Sound up your alley?

Life happens. I ask for a commitment to completing the 6 sessions and as much notice as possible if you need to reschedule one, though it's not a problem if you suddenly realize the morning of a session that you need to reschedule (I have a 4 year old, I get it!). If it becomes a pattern, we can revisit if it's the right time for coaching. 

What if I need to cancel a session?

My best times are between 8:45am - 1:30pm CT. However, if those times don't work for you, I'm typically able to offer coaching outside those hours within 7am-7pm CT with notice. 

What times do you offer coaching sessions?

Nope! Since it's 1:1, we can be quite flexible. Once you agree to begin the program,  I'll send you a Calendly link to schedule each of your sessions separately at times that work best for you each week. 

Do I have to pick a set time each week for sessions?

We will typically identify action steps to take at the end of each session together, and occasionally exercises. I also offer a post-session journal to complete to help cement learning. However, there is no, set outside work in addition to that. 

Is there homework between sessions?

It is 6 sessions, and you can choose to spread those across 6-12 weeks. 

How long is the program?

We will start with opening for you to bring a specific topic you'd like to talk about. If you can't think of something, I'll help you identify what would be most helpful for you. For most of the session, I will ask open-ended, non-judgmental questions to give you space to think, process, and plan. I listen very closely and will help you consolidate and clarify ideas, reflect back to you what I'm hearing and noticing, and help you get "unstuck" in unhelpful thought patterns. Though I mostly ask questions, when appropriate or when asked, can offer ideas based on my own experience in business-building or impact work. At the end, you leave with clarity and clear action steps to get you closer to your goals.

What are coaching sessions like?


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Meeting with women about their dreams and helping them find a path to make it happen is my favorite thing

That little guy in the photo is my son--and a huge why behind my work. I want the world he grows up in to be shaped by the brilliant ideas of women who believe in a better future. I'm here to help women turn their ideas for climate and social solutions into something they feel confident building. A former public school teacher turned entrepreneur, I walked a journey from working 17-hour work days to 10-hour work weeks and still feeling unaligned, I decided that it was time to stop listening to “the experts” on how to create a meaningful and nourishing work life and start listening to my own wisdom and vision for the world I wanted to live in. I’m interested in how to decouple ourselves from capitalist definitions of self-worth and success, and what can happen when we rewrite our lives from a space of deep inner wisdom.

I'm Jeanne, a business coach interested in nurturing business ideas that build a better world.
